How to do a release¶
Update changelog and Cargo versions¶
Send a PR similar to Feel free to copy-edit the changelog in order to:
- Populate "Release highlights" if relevant
- Put more important items first so the reader doesn't miss them
- Make items consistent when it comes to language and formatting
Producing the list of contributors is a bit annoying. The current suggestion is to run something like this:
for i in $(seq 5); do
gh api "/repos/jj-vcs/jj/compare/$root...main?per_page=100;page=$i"
done | jq -r '.commits[] | "* " + + " (@" + .author.login + ")"' | sort -fu
Alternatively, the list can be produced locally:
jj log --no-graph -r 'heads(tags())..main' -T '"* " ++ author ++ "\n"' | sort -fu
Then try to find the right GitHub username for each person and copy their name and username from the GitHub page for the person (e.g.
Get the PR through review and get it merged as usual.
Create a tag and a GitHub release¶
- Go to and click "Draft a new release"
- Click "Choose a tag" and enter "v0.\<number>.0" (e.g. "v0.26.0") to create a new tag
- Click "Target", then "Recent commits", and select the commit from your merged PR
- Use the name (e.g. "v0.26.0") as "Release title". Paste the changelog entries into the message body
- Check "Create a discussion for this release"
- Click "Publish release"
Publish the crates to¶
Go to a terminal and create a new clone of the repo 1:
cd $(mktemp -d)
jj git clone
cd jj
jj new v0.<number>.0
Publish each crate:
(cd lib/proc-macros && cargo publish)
(cd lib && cargo publish)
(cd cli && cargo publish)